Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Here are my lastest finished knitting projects.  I made them for my brother in exchange for that awesome dragon he drew and painted for Jerek's birthday.

I used a pattern I found on ravelry.com.  Matt picked it out.  He then bought the yarn for it.  Knit Picks, Wool of the Andes, in a charcoal grey.  I held it double stranded and knit with size 6 dpns.  I measured each of his fingers and knit each to the length he wanted, a total perfect fit for him.

Then I knit him this hat, from the Koolhaas pattern on Ravelry.  This was also knit with the Knit Picks yarn, but I added an extra two repeats of the cabling pattern for a total of 7 repeats to make it longer so he could wear it "slouchy".

 Moving on to something for me now!  My first "clothing" knit that is adult size!  I will post pics when I get more done.

Monday, April 11, 2011

birthday crazies

We are already almost halfway through April and we have been busy, busy, busy!

We celebrated Jerek's birthday on the date by taking chocolate chip cookies to story time, going to a friend's house for a play date (and getting McNuggets for lunch), opening 2 presents, and then going bowling (Jer's first time!) with Mana and Papa.  We had a blast and so did Jerek!

Helping stir:

Helping Mommy do the dishes:

Mana getting ready to bowl:

Jer; look at that sweet face!

Yes, Jerek did better than I did and no, I didn't let him win!

Then, on Friday, we had his birthday party.  We actually invited his friends this time, instead of just inviting our friends who may or may not conveniently have children his age.

My mom and I made the cake.  We used a website to guide us and my mom's decorating ability and came up with this:

Jerek, again, helping "clean up"

 Yep, it really was that sweet!

So, not only did he have a rockin' cake, we had a "golden dragon egg" hunt, popped dragon eggs in the dragon cave to find some goodies, pinned the fire on the dragon, and then ate that awesome cake!

 The goodies:

Golden dragon egg:

Dragon cave with dragon eggs:

Popping the "eggs"

Terrible Terror that my brother drew for Jerek

 Matt and Jerek with the dragon

Jerek and Jesse

 Jerek and Gabe

Jerek and his besties!

So, I have no idea how I will top that one next year . . . .

I guess we won't celebrate.

He's not allowed to turn 5 anyway.